Guam Day 98 - Finally Friends with Digo

5/31/2022 - Some days back a I talked about our Booney dogs that live at our host families place. At that point, Digo, the more light pup was still very skittish of me. Lets be real, its not me, he is skittish of everybody, with the exception of a need to protect the house from a loud car, or another dog, etc. Our host family is out of town for a trip back to the Philippines, and I think the lack of Arsenio being around has given Digo more interest in getting to know me. I was working outside, and the two pups came right up to me. Arthur or Otter as we have come to know is more correct, is always wanting his tummy rubbed. Today though, Digo came over and started to nuzzle my hand wanting affection. Pictures are the proof. He might be going through some attachment anxiety with Arsensio out of town, I am the calm male figure that is now around. Nice to have the company, and the protection. 



  1. That is so nice. Nothing like a puppy giving one attention. Enjoy.

  2. Some scratches behind the ears is all it takes! ❤️


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