Guam Day 9 - An Ordinary day, and Price of Goods


2/21/2022 - Monday was a more ordinary day, I felt like I was starting to get into the rhythm of life on the island. I drove Joan into the office, got a run in at Asan beach and stopped to fill up for some gas before heading back up north to knock out my taxes. Believe it or not, adult life continues here on the island, taxes come due, bills have to be paid, you get the idea. 

Before I go further, I should say the highlight of the day was being able to call home to my dad for his Birthday. So 2/21 at 10am on Guam is 2/20 at 6pm in Iowa. He is 63 today, so blessed that we live in a time of technology to be able to call, high point for sure. 

Many of you are probably wondering what prices are like on the island for standard goods, so my images today are to reflect that. Gas on the island on 2/21 is $5.39 a gallon, in comparison the price for that same unleaded regular fuel in Jackson, Mi is $3.35. My math says that's a 61% price gain for fuel. I know, the view at the gas station is worth every penny. Joan and I also stopped for some groceries prior to visiting some friends in the evening, my favorite Oreos (Golden is the way to go), were $5.99, Kroger online in Michigan says today you can get the same ores for $3.99. This is about a 50% hike, we won't be eating Oreos any time soon. 

My measurement here is no standard Consumer Price Index study, and I should state that not everything is 50% higher. What is fascinating is that prices for some things are much higher like the Oreos, while others seem pretty normal in cost. Things like standard rice, canned goods, and high quality ramen (not the $.25 stuff Joan just said) are all comparable to the mainland. While meat, milk, pre packaged goods, and alcohol (my favorite IPAs are 2x cost) all carry a higher price. Most things on the island are imported from the mainland, whether by sea or air, so at 7500 miles this makes sense that the cost of shipping is spread across the goods and passed to the consumer. Another interesting note here is there is no sales tax, this is a very strange thing for me, if the price is $1.99, you will get a penny back. 

Last fun thing to add for the day. We met up with Winifred and Wilbur again in the evening to share a meal and watch a movie. We must be missing the Arctic tundra of Michigan or just feeling the high off the olympics because we watched Cool Runnings. Ice is needed in these 90 degree days and 80% humidity. 


  1. I am sure you both are missing shoveling the snow. 🤣 Intereting how certain products are priced. Michelle would definitely be bummed at those Oreo prices. 😉 Happy Belated Birthday to your pops. Agree with technology comments. Have a great week.


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