Guam Day 16: Tostadas + a not so German Beer


Posted Retroactively - 3/3/2022 

2/28/2022 - The main item on the day was to get out of the tiny house and do some chores. Its been a weird time of wait and see with all that is happening with the fam. Hard questions too with do we travel back to the states in this time, or send myself. Anyways, Monday started with going to the grocery store and getting things to make dinner, I must have spent a good hour at the Payless still getting my feet wet with all there is to offer. Joan and I love good Mexican food, this comes from many nights at the Campau's having tostadas, Joans family being from Mexico, and I still think my native Texas birth place has an effect too. So tostadas it was for dinner. For our readers that don't know what a tostada is, think of a flat hardshell taco with all standard taco ingredients. (Mexican rice, Black Beans, cheese, salsa, etc)  I was most excited about buying cheese and salsa, as these things can be a bit harder to find. For the meat, we subbed in a wheat protein that looks a lot like ground beef, I am amazed how good this is. Actually I am questioning the need to eat meet as much as we do on the mainland as there are some really great alternatives. The best part of the night, Joan loved the meal! Hubby is still learning, but making Joan happy with a good meal is priceless. 

The interesting German looking beer we had was found at Cost you less. Im sure I have said this but imported US beer is about 2 - 3 times as expensive, which is why this caught our eye. A six pack for $7, you can't beat that even on the mainland, assuming its good beer. (While PBR actually is a delicacy here only found on base shopping opportunities, I can't say its a great beer) Adam is still getting over his snobbery for good craft IPAs, "beer with me please". This hite beer looks like a German lager from the package, but would you believe this is an import from South Korea? Well it is, it tastes like a light beer until the finish which is more malty than an Asahi or Coors. Its good for the price, perfect for a day at the beach, but it still leaves an IPA to be desired. 


  1. Praying for you and your Gma, especially for peace and wisdom for you both. There are so many options to replace meat and not sacrificing taste or texture, just add Michelle. I did notice the Korean characters above the 1933 😉.

  2. So, you're a beer snob and Dave is a root beer snob - ha ha ha! ❤️


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