Guam Day 15: Church, and hanging in the bay


Retroactively Published on 3/2/2022

2/27/2022 - Joan and I went to mass this morning at Santa Barbara Catholic Church in Dededo. Its been a tougher morning, I got a call from home saying my Grandma wasn't doing well again. Spending the day celebrating her and thinking about the family back in the states. We had been attending mass virtually up until this point, this was a good push to getting back to in person. As I travel places I am always amazed at  how the mass stays the same but the architecture of the churches is so vastly different. Santa Barbara is shaped in circle with the alter in the middle, and pews all the way around. Covid restrictions are still in place so about half capacity. The music was good, and more than anything I was just happy that I had Joan there by my side. 

The afternoon was spent out in Tumon once again. We tried snorkeling from the paddle board which was so fun. There is coral and fish galore under the water, a whole new world! (sing the tune in your head) It took some time getting used to breathing under the ocean, what a anxious feeling as your body gets used to the idea that you can breath through the snorkel. Excited to get our dive cert done to explore more in this area. The images above give a great sense of the color of the water, and how sunny it is. 

We spent the time above water laughing and reminiscing about my grandparents, they lived in Okinawa and in the Philippines for a while during my grandfathers time in the military. I really get a sense of what life was like for them out here in the Pacific. Celebrating them!


  1. Will add your Gma to our prayer list. Agree with the memories of grandparents, such a blessing. Glad to hear of your ability to worship in person. ❤ COGS - I spy a Focii in front of the Church. 😉


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