6/25/2022 - Another Saturday and another bike ride on the island. I love this photo of Joan doing the Usain Bolt gesture of we can do this. I have posted about this ride a number of times, partly because the island is so small and we ride a lot, and partly because of just how impressed I am of us getting faster and better at these hills. My Apple Watch is back up in running after my parents Brought me a new cord, I left my other one in Palau, whoops. So, I have data again, this ride consists of a max climb of 700 ft, and a total elevation gain of 3000ft. That first peak is Mt. Lamb Lamb, and the second set of peaks is coming back over cross island drive. I always ask, WHY?, as we go up the second peak and then all the way back down to sea level, just before going right back up to where we first climbed. Its really all mental, but none the less a tough thing to swallow. Our Average speed is up majorly from the first time we did this, I think it was 4 hours , and we are wont ...