Guam Day 72 - Hair Check In - Island Style
4/25/2022 - Short post for Monday, the hair is getting really long and part of this trip documentation needs to capture this. Who knows, I may not have hair this long again, baldness does hit my moms side of the family. Getting a full length measurement is quite hard, what I can share is if I pull my hair down on my face its passed my nose in length, never been this long. In this humidity though it rarely falls that far, the curl is so strong.
We will see how much longer I keep this up, the commodity prices on shampoo are on the rise, and its now double as Joan has introduced me to this thing called conditioner. Lol
Dude, let it grow for a pony. Doesn't look bad at all. I will emphasize the oooh in Dude. 🤣