3/28/2022 - Watching the sunset in Tumon bay with Joan and Winnifred. The lights of the hotels are just beginning to turn on, as the sun disappears over the clouds + the ocean.
Retroactively Posted on 3/3/2022 As you can see this week, many of my posts have been retroactive. My Gma passed on 3/1, Guam time, and I am struggling a bit with finding the energy to keep up the blog, as well as other day to day things. Its always tough to lose a loved one, even though this is how life works. Joan and I will be staying on the island and finding ways for us to celebrate her life, she would and is very proud that we are so adventurous and traveling in ways she and my grandfather did some 60 years back. A little back story: My grandfather was in the Airforce which included assignments in Okinawa, the Philippines, along with work all over the Vietnam area during the conflict. Grandma traveled by his side during every move. She was amazing supporting the kids, eventually 4 of them, while being halfway around the world. Ramen is very appropriate for this post, cheers to both of them! 3/1/2022 - Joan has been great, she worked from home to ensure I was ok, ...
I have been so excited to put together this segment that we have craftily named Car(s) of Guam (COGS). One of the areas that I find fascinating is how both people and things are moved to and around the island. As I sit here, I am surrounded by hundreds to thousands of miles of ocean in any one direction and some how we as humans have decided that living in a desolate place in Pacific is worth quite a bit of time, effort and resources. So this series of weekly "episodes" is devoted to just that: What are the unique forms of transportation on the island?, How do cars, trucks, suvs and other transportation equipment get to the island and to their destination?, and lastly: What does this vehicle selection tell us about the Guam culture? Episode 1: The Honda Acty Truck 3/3/2022 - From day 1 on the island I have been enthralled by these little tiny trucks. Maybe it is the proportion of the truck relative to the proportion of this small island, or maybe its because it challenges my...
Posted Retroactively - 3/3/2022 2/28/2022 - The main item on the day was to get out of the tiny house and do some chores. Its been a weird time of wait and see with all that is happening with the fam. Hard questions too with do we travel back to the states in this time, or send myself. Anyways, Monday started with going to the grocery store and getting things to make dinner, I must have spent a good hour at the Payless still getting my feet wet with all there is to offer. Joan and I love good Mexican food, this comes from many nights at the Campau's having tostadas, Joans family being from Mexico, and I still think my native Texas birth place has an effect too. So tostadas it was for dinner. For our readers that don't know what a tostada is, think of a flat hardshell taco with all standard taco ingredients. (Mexican rice, Black Beans, cheese, salsa, etc) I was most excited about buying cheese and salsa, as these things can be a bit harder to find. For the meat, we sub...
So relaxing looking. Enjoy.