Guam Day 40: Dive Pics


3/24/2022 - As I sit here recovering from my peeling nose, ears and face, I am reminiscing on our dive weekend. The pics also just came in so this helps that reminiscing. 

The first image was from Fish Eye, the cylindrical metal form is the museum I spoke of. Note the windows near the top where viewers can look out and see into the blue abyss. We swam around the museum a couple times on day one, lots of fish, and this is where we saw the sharks too. We are positioned in the center-left of the image.

Image two and three are of day two, you can see me tightly holding Joans hand for comfort, as well as the whole class as we went to 60ft. We are positioned on the left side of this image, Joan has those cool yellow fins, and I in all blue with the exception of the yellow secondary regulator. 

Something fun that I didnt include on my weekend posts, the color change that occurs at depth. To get the colorful images above, the color has to be retroactively re-added. As you go deeper and deeper the light from the sun gets detracted away, red is the first color lost, then through the rest of the roygbiv rainbow. Still, at depth the coral and fish are vibrant. 


  1. Wow. That isnso cool. That for sharing. Wish we would have done this on our honeymoon. 😉

  2. Dave + Michelle, its a really cool experience, would recommend if you are interested in Michigan. The Great Lakes are a great place to Dive from the sounds of it.


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